If you are fascinated by defining modelling solutions, which are used in the financial world, we can’t wait to connect with you!
In our team, we calculate the financed carbon emissions*, design the climate stress testing models** and find new data sources (both internal and external) to quantify risks related to environmental, social and governance factors – short ESG risks. Our data and modelling solutions are crucial input for many risk management processes in the Group and – at the same time – there is a strong focus from the financial regulators on our work.
We are a team of Data Scientists located in Vilnius and Copenhagen and are set to use our data, programming and risk-management skills. We focus a lot on analysing new ESG data, merging it with our internal data, making various portfolio analysis and also define simple mathematical solutions. Collaboration is an absolute high priority and with a colleague as your buddy to support you during your first months, you will quickly gain experience. As part of this, you will also engage with peers, external data vendors and internal stakeholders across the Group in order to collect & analyse the relevant data and to obtain the necessary understanding of the results.
We hope you are interested in calculating the financial impacts of climate changes and we are looking forward to hearing from you! The position is located in Vilnius.
Depending on your experience and knowledge, we may offer you different seniority of the role.
* cf. PCAF standards (https://carbonaccountingfinancials.com/files/downloads/PCAF-Global-GHG-Standard.pdf)
** cf. ECB’s report on good practices for climate stress testing (https://www.bankingsupervision.europa.eu/ecb/pub/pdf/ssm.202212_ECBreport_on_good_practices_for_CST~539227e0c1.en.pdf)